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Enter Gizzverse: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard drop their latest double Omnium Gatherum and stop for two shows at local rock haunt Gagarin 205.
The band’s name was created on a whim but their idiosyncratic concept is really well thought-out. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard have a consistent vision, complete with stories and characters spread across their records. An impressive feat considering that they have released a whopping 18 studio albums in 10 years, as we speak (unless they released another record in the last ten minutes, we might need to check on that again). Not only that, but they move effortlessly from psychedelic rock, to acid and progressive rock, to pop and metal, infused with sounds typically found in middle eastern and Indian music (microtonals for the music nerds out there.)
A spot in the room with them while they’re brainstorming their next shenanigans would be a dream come true, but for now we’ll settle for a spot in the crowd.
Price: €33
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Doors open: 8:00 pm
Gagarin205, 205 Liosion Avenue, 104 45
+30 211 411 2500